House For Sale

House For Sale

We were building a new house and had just assumed the mortgage for it. We hadn’t sold the home we were residing in yet, and the double mortgage payments were weighing on us.

I was driving back home from work after working the weekend shift one Sunday afternoon, and I asked St. George to please intercede and help us sell our home. He is my patron saint, and I spoke to him like I would a friend all the way home. “How long are you going to let this go on? You know we cannot afford to pay two mortgages,” I pleaded with him, “Please pray for us and help us sell our home.“ 

As I pulled up into our driveway, I saw the For Sale sign on the grass with the word SOLD in red on top of the sign. I went into the house and asked my daughter and husband, who had just come from Sunday service, what had happened. I told them that I saw the word SOLD on top of the For sale sign outside in the yard. They started laughing at me, saying there was no SOLD sign, so I asked them again what had happened. 

My daughter went on to explain that she and my husband had just gotten back from Sunday service at the church and were preparing lunch. She noticed there was a family that had stopped their car to look at the house. She went to tell my husband, and he went outside to invite them in the house. The family said they did not have their realtor with them, but he invited them in anyways and said they could always come back with their realtor. They ended up coming in for a walk through, and the mother commented on all the pictures of Jesus and the saints that we have around the house,(including several of St. George. As they were leaving the house, she told my husband and daughter that she really liked the house. She felt it was “full of blessings.”

My husband insisted that we hadn’t sold the house yet, but I knew that St. George interceded. The following day, we got a call from this family’s realtor so they could put an offer on the house, and it was finalized before we had to make another mortgage payment.

Story submitted by Mary B. – Indiana

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