Picture Case Of Saint George

Picture Case Of Saint George

I have had an interest in Saints and how they intercede for us ever since my experience with St. Therese’ powerful intercessions. One particular Saint, Saint George, has also played a significant role in my life.

One day, many years ago, I was at church carrying out some volunteer work. Everyone had already left, leaving me there alone, and as it was getting dark outside, I quickly finished up my work. Since I was the last one to leave, I had to make sure everything was locked up. I went around the church and shut off all the lights, locked the doors and headed to my car. As I drove off, I noticed there was a light that was still on in the main church. I was sure I had turned them all off—I always did. 

So, I turned my car around and went back into the church to switch off the light. It was dark, except for this bright light on the left side of the church. There are these stained glass picture cases of different saints hanging on the walls in the main church that protrude out. I walked into the main church, and as I drew closer to the light my heart started to beat faster. The picture case of St. George was lit up.

I didn’t know how I could have missed switching the light in this picture case off. It was so bright! I quickly ran over there to pull the plug from the outlet, and the light in the picture case of St. George went out. I quickly left the church, got in my car and drove home. When I got to my house, I went to put my car keys in the key cabinet above the counter. On it was a church magazine with a picture of St. George on it. Curious, I flipped through it, and realized that that day happened to be the feast of Saint George – May 1st. I smiled and thought of the lit picture of him in the church that was left on for me. It seemed he was letting me know he was watching over me. I immediately felt a connection with him.

Fast forward 20 years later, and I was in the same church one Sunday afternoon. After service, I decided to walk over to the same picture of St. George that was lit up on that night so many years ago. Yet, something strange startled me as I drew closer. There was no plug attached to the picture case, nor was there even an outlet anywhere near it. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. 

Later that evening, I called our priest and told him what had happened many years ago. Was there any construction done, I asked him? Did the picture get moved? Where was the plug and outlet? He told me that all six pictures of the Saints around the church light up together. I was adamant that that couldn’t be true. I distinctly remembered pulling the plug out of the picture case of St. George. It was the only way I could switch the light off in the picture case. He told me to call a couple of our parishioners who oversee much of the maintenance carried out in the church and ask them. Perhaps there was another way to switch the light in the picture case off which he didn’t know about. 

I shared the story with two parishioners. They both said there was no way the picture of St. George could have lit up by itself. All the pictures of the Saints light up together. I insisted that wasn’t possible—how else could I have switched the light off in the picture case? They said all the pictures were controlled by one main switch in the back, and all the pictures lit up together. There is no way that one of the stained glass pictures could’ve lit up by itself. I then asked them both how they could explain the sole picture of St. George lighting up, all by itself? 

The priest and the others told me to take it as a miracle from Saint George, and what a wonderful miracle it was! He clearly was letting me know he was praying for me. Now, every time I see that picture on the wall in the church, the memory of that evening comes to mind and I smile at my friend St. George.

See the attached picture case of St. George. No plug attached or outlet below or around the picture.

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