wrongful lawsuit

wrongful lawsuit

I was involved in a wrongful lawsuit and had to find an attorney to defend me as soon as possible.I had written to two of my lawyer friends across the country and asked them if they knew any well known attorneys in the area who would take my case. A week went by and I hadn’t heard from either one of them. I was getting anxious and needed some peace, so sought out a church to pray. Many years back, I was invited by a friend to attend a service at a local church named after St. Therese. My friend told me how St. Therese would always send her a rose when she needed one. I drove to the church and asked St. Therese for a rose and to please pray that I find the right lawyer to help me win my case. When I returned to my apartment building, I went through the lobby to retrieve my mail. Sitting atop of the doorman’s station was a bouquet of red roses! I went to ask the doorman (lady) who the roses were for. She told me that one of the ladies in the building received them but did not want them. She then proceeded to take one rose from the vase and handed it to me.”Here, she said —  why don’t you take one?” In disbelief,  I headed up to my apartment. Within 10 minutes (I kid you not), both of my attorney friends — who I hadn’t heard back from in over a week, responded to my email with the same attorney’s name!

Needless to say, I hired the lawyer and won the case!

– submitted by Susan F., Houston, Texas

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