Licensure exam

Licensure exam

It was the night before my licensure exam and I was freaking out sitting on my friends couch crying and pleading to God about how I failed my license exam 2 times and only have one more chance to pass it before I have to start the whole process over — and how I need this to be the last time, because I was physically and emotionally drained. Before going to bed my friend came up to me with a book of miracles by St. Macarius and told me to open it and read a miracle in it and hopefully it will bring me some peace. I paid her little attention, so she decided to open it for me… to our surprise the message was very direct. It was about a person who failed their medical oral examination 2 times and was taking it for their 3rd time with hopes that they’ll pass because if not, they couldn’t practice in the USA. They asked for St. Macarius’ prayers and intercessions and they surely passed. After that my friend told me that this was a direct message to me as the miracle book about  St. Macarius had very few miracles associated with students (mostly about healing the sick). I asked St. Macarius to pray for me. 3 days later, I found out I passed! His prayers be with us all, Amen.

-Submitted by Anonymous

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