Saint Charbel Rosary

Saint Charbel Rosary

On July 3rd 2019, my dad was randomly shopping at Sam’s club when he saw someone from church… she approached him and told him about a saint named St Charbel. She told him that 4 years ago she had a thyroid problem that was very severe and she had to do surgery ASAP. That night she had a dream and in the dream St, Charbel appeared to her along with another female saint and cut open her thyroid area in her neck and performed the entire surgery on her, the next morning she woke up and was completely healed!! After that she wanted to offer money in his name but his church was in Lebanon and she had no way of getting money there so she prayed about it, a day later her Middle Eastern friend called her and told her to meet her at the outlets.. she went and as she was sitting on a bench outside talking to her friend in Arabic.. a random stranger and her son approached her and asked if they were speaking Arabic and they said yes.. Short story- the stranger ended up being from Lebanon and the lady who wanted to donate money asked her if she knew about St Charbel and the stranger said “OF COURSE HIS CHURCH IS TWO BLOCKS AWAY FROM MY HOME!” Her son lifted his shirt to show her a tattoo of the saint… which ended up being the exact same image she saw in her dream!!! She gave the stranger the money and asked to offer it to the church in his name.. they did as they were asked!!! After hearing that story I went and looked up everything on the saint- He’s a Catholic saint, he died on dec 24 ( my birthday!!) and he’s celebrated on July 3rd (same time we were all told the story). And in my surprise a month ago a friend gave me a rosary he got from Jerusalem and it was hanging in my room when I went to look at it, St Charbel’s face was on it (HOW IN THE WORLD)!!!!! If that doesn’t give you chills I don’t know what will! Our God is amazing and sends His most amazing saints to show us His love constantly and to remind us that we’re never alone!

– Submitted by Sarah M. Orlando, Florida

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