Looking for a job

Looking for a job

I had been desperately looking for a job for over 6 months to help support my family. I applied to so many different positions with no luck.
I was visiting a friend and told her how much difficulty I was having trying to find employment. She said I should ask St. Mohrael to help. I didn’t know who St. Mohrael was at the time. She gave me a pictur of her and told me that St. Mohrael has performed many miracles and is known for helping people find work. “Just remember to give a portion of your first paycheck to the poor when you do, she said.” A few days later, I got a call from a well known printing  company. I had applied for a position there 6 months beforehand and completely forgot about it. They interviewed me over the phone and I was hired immediately. I worked in various positions at that wonderful company for many years. So grateful to St. Mohrael for her prayers. I share my story in hopes that others can call upon her to find employment. But don’t forget to give to the poor once you get a job!

– Submitted by Salwa. A., Chicago, Illinois

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